How to Boost Organic Growth on Instagram 

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With Instagram growing as a valuable platform to reach millions of users, growing your brand’s account organically is an excellent way to cultivate engaged and active followers. This blog post will explore several tips to boost your organic growth on Instagram. 

Optimize content 

One of the best ways to bring new followers to your account (and to keep those already following you) is to ensure your account is posting high-quality, intentional content. Develop content that resonates with your audience, keeping in mind the importance of high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, and cohesive content. Leverage the different content types on Instagram and post stories, reels, and videos along with typical posts. Finally, your content can additionally be optimized by using hashtags, tagging other accounts, and tagging relevant locations in your posts. 

Post consistently 

Posting regularly on your account will ensure that the posts are memorable to the target audience and will build trust among followers. Post frequently enough (several times per week, depending on your platform and audience) without overwhelming your audience, and make sure to spread posts between social channels. 

Use quality hashtags 

Hashtags are a tool that can be utilized to enhance your account’s organic visibility. They sort content into categories and can attract those looking for a trending product or service and without a particular brand in mind. When posted with a hashtag, the engagement of a post increases by more than 12.6%.  To determine which hashtags to use, look at what hashtags your competitors are using and select relevant keywords to your brand and geographic location that aren’t overpopulated. 

Optimize your profile for search visibility 

Having a strong profile is essential to attracting new followers. Optimize: 

  • Your username: make it easy to remember, spell and ensure that it clearly includes your company or brand name. 

  • Your account name: this appears above your Instagram bio and should contain 1-3 strategic keywords that relate to your company. For example: “French Pastry Café” or “Family Portrait Photographer”. 

  • Your bio: craft a less than 150-character overview of your brand that explains to users who you are, what you do, and any key selling points to draw in new followers. Being concise is key! 

Run promotions and contests 

Audiences always love giveaways, free products/services, and discounts. Draw in new followers and keep your current ones by holding giveaways. If you can make your giveaways consistent (monthly for example), followers will be more likely to stick around and look forward to the next one. Make requirements of the giveaway be to follow your account and tag friends in the comments for more exposure. 

Promote cross-platform

All social media platforms have unique strengths and can be utilized strategically to reach different audiences. Take advantage of different platforms by highlighting your Instagram presence across different platforms. Direct followers on your other social platforms to your Instagram page by reposting your Instagram posts, or offer incentives for your audience to follow your Instagram account. Additionally, add buttons that link to your Instagram in your email newsletter or website footer to attract greater traffic to your account. 

Work with influencers

While working with influencers as a smaller Instagram account may be out of your scope, take advantage of micro-influencers (influencers with a smaller number of followers that often have a more engaged audience) to boost your organic growth. When selecting influencers, check that they have engaged followers and that their followers are a similar target market as your brand. Partnering with influencers can get your brand in front of valuable new audiences and will establish trust in your company. 


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